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HHS Publishes FDASIA Health IT Report

HHS  released a draft report that includes a proposed strategy and recommendations for a health information technology (health IT) framework, which promotes product innovation while maintaining appropriate patient protections and avoiding regulator… [Read more »]

Health IT State of the Union

I appeared on the Fed Tech Talk radio program on Federal News Radio which aired on WFED 1500 AM in Washington, DC on January 28, 2014. It was a fun discussion with host John Gilroy (check out his blog here ) where we discussed the Office of the Nat… [Read more »]

Inaugural ONC Google Plus Hangout

On Tuesday February 12, 2013 the HHS Office of the National Coordinator hosted it's first Google + Hangout. The participants were: Doug Fridsma, M.D., Ph.D. - Chief Scientist at ONC Arien Malec - VP Strategy and Product Marketing at RelayHealth,… [Read more »]