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National Coordinator for Health IT Speaks at #ONC2016

Remarks below are (loosely) transcribed from remarks at the 2016 ONC Annual Meeting by Dr. Karen DeSalvo, Acting Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS; National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, ONC: How is everybody doing? A little loude… [Read more »]

Meaningful Use Isn't Quite Dead Yet

Meaningful use called and said, "The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated." Seriously, a careful parsing of acting CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt's comments at this year's J.P. Morgan Health Care Conference does not le… [Read more »]

Health IT Implications of MACRA and MIPS

The Senate has voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday April 14, 2015 to permanently repeal Medicare's sustainable growth-rate (SGR) formula for paying doctors. The House House had easily passed the legislation on Thursday March 26, 2015. The President … [Read more »]