
Dr. Bern Sweeney: Oct. 25 Ecological Aspects Of Streams And Streamside Forest Buffers Webinar

The Delaware RiverKeeper Network and the Stroud Water Research Center are hosting an October 25 Webinar on Ecological Aspects Of Streams And Streamside Forest Buffers featuring Dr. Bernard W. Sweeney, Distinguished Research Scientist and former Executive Director of the Stroud Water Research Center.
The vegetated lands fringing our streams and rivers deliver a host of vital ecological services for humans and for the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems they support.
In this webinar, Dr. Sweeney will tour this landscape of scientific research and summarize the ways that riparian buffers, particularly forests, improve water quality and create the essential foundations for healthy ecosystems.
Click Here to register or for more information. The webinar starts at 7:00 p.m.
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