
Blacklick Creek Watershed Assn Undertakes Maintenance Projects On 5 Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Systems In Indiana County

The Blacklick Creek Watershed Association this year contacted Stream Restoration Inc. to see if funding for maintenance was available from the Passive Treatment Operation & Maintenance Technical Assistance Program for 5 passive mine drainage treatment systems in the Yellow Creek Project in Indiana County.
The O&M Program is implemented by the nonprofit  Stream Restoration, Inc. and funded by grants from the Department of Environmental Protection’s Growing Greener Program and the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds.
The oldest Yellow Creek Project was constructed in 1999 and the newest in 2004. A site walk with a representative from SRI was conducted to inspect the systems and funding for the maintenance was approved.
The five passive treatment systems are identified as 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B and 2C. Each of the vertical flow ponds (VFP) were drained, and the organic layer was inspected and mixed. Additional work included:
-- System 1A required that vegetation be removed from the “U” shaped channel to improve the flow from the collection pond to the VFP.
-- Vegetation was also removed from systems from a channel that leads to the stream from system 1A/1B settling ponds.
-- System 1B required that the ponds water level be adjusted and the intake unclogged.
-- Systems 2A and 2B treat the same discharge. The discharge is piped to a splitter box which divides the water between systems 2A and 2B. The inlet to the pipe was partially clogged and needed cleaned, also a brake in the pipe was repaired and the splitter box was repaired.
-- Additional work on system 2C included unfreezing the valves and removing vegetation from the VFP.
Four out of the five treatment systems are operating. During a heavy rain several years ago coal refuse washed into system 2C settling pond. The Association has requested assistance from a local power plant to remove and dispose of the material. Hopefully this will occur shortly and the 2C system will be operating again.
BCWA thanks SRI and their nonprofit contractor BioMost, Inc. for their help in maintaining the systems.  Click Here for more information on maintenance services available for passive mine drainage treatment systems.
Click Here for more on Blacklick Creek Watershed Association accomplishments this year.
For more information on programs, initiatives and how you can become involved, visit the Blacklick Creek Watershed Association website.
(Photo: 1A Settling pond with suspended aluminum, 2A compost removed and drying.)
(Reprinted from the October newsletter from the Blacklick Creek Watershed Association.)


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