
Add Your Name To Petition Urging House To Name The Hellbender Official State Amphibian

A group of inspiring young people are attempting to help clean Pennsylvania's waters with a one-of-a-kind critter—the Eastern Hellbender.
Eastern Hellbenders rely on cold, clear, and swift-running water for survival, but their primary Pennsylvanian habitat is being destroyed.
Roughly 19,000 miles of Keystone State rivers and streams are polluted, and, as a result, the largest salamander in North America is quickly vanishing from the region.
Now, students in CBF's Student Leadership Council are drawing attention to the Hellbender's plight by working to designate the salamander as Pennsylvania's official state amphibian.
After studying hellbenders and meeting with legislators, the student-written Senate Bill 658 has passed the state Senate.
But the State House needs to pass the bill as well. Join the ranks of hellbender defenders by urging your representative to support the hellbender bill.
The students' work to recognize this vanishing critter and highlight the fight for clean water is inspiring.
But the job is only half done and there are only 9 scheduled voting days yet this year in the House.
Click Here to add your name to the Hellbender petition today and join the 5,255 other people urging members of House of Representatives to designate the Eastern Hellbender the official amphibian of the Keystone State.
Related Story:
House Returns To Session Sept. 12, Now’s The Time To Become A Hellbender Defender!
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